Selasa, 10 November 2009

Exercise 2

Identify the subject, verb, complement and modifier in each of the following sentence. Remember that not every sentence has a complement or modifier.

1. George - is cooking - dinner - tonight
>> subject - verb phrase - complement modifier of time

2. Henry and Marcia - have visited - the president
>> subject - verb phrase - complement

3. We - eat lunch - in this restaurant - today
>> subject - verb phrase - modifier of place - modifier of time

4. Pat - should have bought - gasoline - yesterday
>> subject - verb phrase - complement - modifier of time

5. Trees - grow
>> subject - verb

6. It was raining - at seven o’clock - this morning
>> subject - verb phrase - modifier of time

7. She - opened - her book
>> subject - verb - complement

8. Harry - is washing - dishes - right now
>> subject - verb phrase - complement - modifer of time

9. She - opened - her book
>> subject - verb - complement

10. Paul, William, and Marry - were watching television - a few minutes ago.
>> Subject - verb phrase - complement - modifier of time

Exercise 1 ( Tugas B.inggris Bisnis 1 )

Choose the correct form of the verb in the following sentence.

  • Neither Bill nor Mary (is/are) going to the play tonight.

  • Anything (is/are) better than going to another movie tonight.

  • A number of reporters (was/were) at the conference yesterday.

  • Your glasses (was/were) on the bureau last night.

  • Skating (is/are) becoming more popular every day.

  • There (was/were) some people at the meeting last night.

  • The committee (has/have) already reached a decision.

  • A pair of jeans (was/were) in the washing machine this morning.

  • Each student (has/have) answered the first three questions.

  • A pack of wild dogs (has/have) frightened all the ducks away

exercise - bussiness letter

231 Black More Street
New York , NY 2011

14 September,2006

Merss Johnson Smith & Carison
Ltd 16 th Fifth Avenue Street

Ref. JS/NN/12

Dear sirs,

We have to remind you that your account for televisions ordered on 12 th August has not yet been paid. Discount cannot now be allowed.
You will remember that we went to some trouble to meet your delivery date and we sure that you would not wish to inconvenience us by delaying your payment.
A copy of the statement is enclosed, and we shall be glad to receive your cheque by return.

Yours faithfully,

Jonathan R. Smith